
August 02, 2022 by Paul Czarapata

Haven’t enrolled yet? It’s not too late.

In a recent op-ed, Big Sandy Community and Technical College Interim President Telly Sellars wrote about the Great Interruption. This is a term used to describe the high percentage of people, particularly young adults, who are not enrolling in college. As Dr. Sellars wrote: “Empty chairs in college classrooms equal fewer nurses and health care workers, welders, teachers, accountants, computer programmers, business leaders, etc. Delays for medical appointments, longer waits for car and house repairs, and larger classroom sizes for children mean stress on an already strained workforce.”

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June 28, 2022 by Paul Czarapata

Reaching economic independence

Reaching economic independence

The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce recently shared its 10 Rules of Moving from Youth Dependency to Adult Economic Independence and it made me think about how we help Kentuckians do that. Everything we do is focused on helping people achieve economic independence so they and their families can have better lives.

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February 10, 2022 by Paul Czarapata

KCTCS Faculty — The unsung heroes of community college

KCTCS Faculty — The unsung heroes of community college

I’m extremely proud of the faculty at our 16 colleges and appreciate their commitment to lifelong learning. Their influence and the impact they have on students is what carries many of our students across the finish line.

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